127—10 Hour Value Project Ideas

Temple projects
• Do baptisms for the dead for 10 weeks
• Name extraction
• Volunteer to work on temple grounds
• Prepare family names for temple work
• Make white hair scrunchies for the temple

Family history
• Family genealogy classes
• Record family stories from family members and compile family history
• Type up old family journals
• Compile a family recipe book
• Organize family photo albums complete with captions
• Compile a family testimony book

Personal history
• Write your own personal history
• Keep a journal for 6 months
• Compile your own works of art, photography, poetry, or other accomplishments
• Make a book of remembrance
• Type up your old journal entries

Arts and crafts
• Create a work of art
• Take an art class
• Make a portfolio of art you have done
• Teach a class
• Write and illustrate a children’s book
• Organize and carry out an art fair
• Make a scrapbook
• Learn a new craft
• Enter a contest

• Sew and tie quilts
• Sew an article of clothing
• Alter your clothing to be more modest
• Sew a value pillow or quilt
• Sew scripture bags
• Sew your own prom dress
• Sew your own temple dress
• Sew finger puppets for children in the hospital or homeless shelters

• Compile recipes for a cook book or recipe box
• Cook meals for your family
• Learn how to make bread and donated it for the sacrament
• Learn how to can

• Volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter
• Adopt a family for Christmas
• Organize and carry out a blood drive
• Do service for the wives of the Bishopric
• Collect items for soldiers over seas
• Plan and carry out a carnival for primary children or children at a homeless shelter
• Tutor someone for free
• Humanitarian aid on lds.org
• Volunteer at the hospital
• Keep a journal to log service experiences

Young women
• Be the Young Women historian
• Make something for the other Young Women
• Take charge of New Beginnings or Young Women in Excellence
• Be a youth leader at camp and make a real effort to prepare for it
• Make a monthly newsletter for Young Women’s
• Make Personal Progress reminders for Young Women’s
• Organize and present a modesty fashion show

• Hold a Conference party
• Start a scripture study or discussion group
• Organize and carry out a surprise birthday party
• Make something as gifts for your friends
• Start an interest group
• Organize an alternative post-Prom party
• Start a book club

• Re-watch Conference and write in your journal how talks apply to the value you
are working on
• Compile quotes from General Authorities about the young women’s values
• Make a conference Binder
• Create a day by day calendar with quotes from General Authorities
• Read a book by a General Authority

• Write a book, play, short stories or poetry
• Write a children’s book
• Keep a scripture journal and write in it every day
• Keep a journal and write in it every day
• Put together a devotional book
• Read “Using New Media to Support the Work of the Church” by Elder M. Russell
Ballard and start a blog
• Write letters to missionaries

• Start and keep an exercise routine
• Plan out healthy menus for your family
• Train for a half marathon
• Compile a family health history
• Keep a health journal of your diet, exercise and mood
• Start a routine of stress reducing activities
• Participate in a sport
• Learn how to dance

• Learn how to play an musical instrument
• Learn a song and sing/play it for church
• Participate in a choir or band
• Start a band
• Teach music classes and hold a recital

Baby sitting
• Baby sit for couples attending the temple
• Baby sit for monthly Relief Society meetings
• Make a baby sitting kit
• Baby sit for couples attending ward choir practice
• Baby sit for free for low income families

Needle work
• Learn how to cross-stitch
• Learn how to knit
• Learn how to crochet
• Teach a class
• Make baby hats for the NICU

Planning for your future
• Decorate your room on a budget
• Research and compile a list of possible careers
• Look at colleges you want to attend and compare them
• Take an AP class to help you prepare for college

• Put together a Family Home Evening idea book
• Plan a family reunion
• Plan a family vacation
• Baby sit siblings
• Help with extra chores
• Teach something to a younger sibling

• Grow a garden
• Be in a play
• Train a dog
• Learn sign language
• Become CPR and/or First Aid certified
• Enter a competition or contest in a skill you have developed

• Volunteer to help with activity days
• Plan and carry out a ward Halloween carnival or trunk-or-treat
• Create lesson plans for nursery
• Plan and hold a carnival for primary children

• “The Living Christ”
• Your Patriarchal Blessing
• “The Family: A Proclamation to the World”
• Scripture masteries
• An inspiring poem

• Clean and organize your room
• Clean the garage or attic
• Do your own laundry
• Organize your closet

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