* Make a conference Binder
* Organize and present a modesty fashion show
* Read “Using New Media to Support the Work of the Church” by Elder M. Russell Ballard and start a blog
* Compile quotes from General Authorities about Choice and Accountability
* Create a work of art
* Decorate your room on a budget
* Start and keep an exercise routine
* Put together a devotional book
* Start a routine of stress reducing activities
* Sew an article of clothing
* Make Personal Progress reminders for Young Women’s
* Enter a contest
* Sew your own temple dress
* Re-watch Conference and write in your journal how talks apply to Choice and Accountability
* Create a "Sunday Box" filled with ideas of appropriate family activities to do on the Sabbath. Use it each week at home.
* Read The Miracle of Forgiveness by Spencer W. Kimball and share impressions of the book with a parent or YW leader.
* Go through the closet or personal music library and evaluate items based on the standards listed in For the Strength of Youth. Discard inappropriate items.* Learn a song and sing/play it for church
* Sew your own prom dress
* Start a scripture study or discussion group
* Hold a Conference party
* Do your own laundry
* Create a day by day calendar with quotes from General Authorities
* Organize your closet
* Compile recipes for a cook book or recipe box
* Start a band
* Organize an alternative post-Prom party
* Learn how to dance
* Organize a "For the Strength of Youth Discussion Night" with all the youth in your ward

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