Seek heavenly guidance one day at a time. Life by the yard is hard; by the inch — it's a cinch. Each of us can be true for just one day — and then one more, and then one more after that, until we've lived a lifetime guided by the Spirit, a lifetime close to the Lord, a lifetime of good deeds and righteousness." -President Thomas S. Monson

Good Works Project Ideas

* Re-watch Conference and write in your journal how talks apply to Good Works
* Make baby hats for the NICU
* Sew an article of clothing
* Create a day by day calendar with quotes from General Authorities
* Family genealogy classes
* Babysit for couples attending ward choir practice
* Babysit siblings
* Organize and carry out a blood drive
* Teach something to a younger sibling
* Create a work of art
* Write letters to missionaries
* Compile recipes for a cook book or recipe box
* Sew finger puppets for children in the hospital or homeless shelters
* Make Personal Progress reminders for Young Women’s
* Babysit for monthly Relief Society meetings
* Babysit for free for low income families
* Make white hair scrunchies for the temple
* Plan out healthy menus for your family
* Hold a Conference party
* Plan an afternoon of free babysitting at the church for ward members. Advertise the service and circulate sign-up sheets several weeks ahead of time. Prepare one kids' craft or activity for the afternoon.
* Identify areas of town (parks, playgrounds, roadsides, church grounds) that are littered or dirty. Over several days, pick up trash and beautify the areas.
* Organize a food or clothing drive and donate the proceeds to a local shelter.
* Spend 10 hours as a volunteer indexer for people trying to locate their ancestors.* Learn a song and sing/play it for church
* Compile a family recipe book
* Volunteer at the hospital
* Organize and carry out a surprise birthday party
* Adopt a family for Christmas
* Name extraction
* Volunteer to work on temple grounds
* Help with extra chores
* Sew and tie quilts
* Create lesson plans for nursery
* Volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter
* Tutor someone for free
* Clean the garage, playroom or attic
* Do your own laundry
* Prepare family names for temple work
* Collect items for soldiers overseas
* Compile a family health history
* Type up old family journals
* Do service for the wives of the Bishopric
* Put together a devotional book
* Sew scripture bags
* Go Christmas Caroling at a Nursing Home
* Do baptisms for the dead for 10 weeks
* Read a book by a General Authority
* Make a babysitting kit
* Make a conference Binder
* Learn how to make bread and donated it for the sacrament
* Plan and carry out a carnival for primary children or children at a homeless shelter
* Organize and carry out an art fair
* Record family stories from family members and compile family history
* Babysit for couples attending the temple
* Keep a journal to log service experiences
* Become CPR and/or First Aid certified
* Humanitarian aid on
* Compile quotes from General Authorities about Good Works
* Volunteer to help with activity days
* Cook meals for your family

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