Be partakers of the divine nature. … Giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; and to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; and to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity (2 Peter 1:4–7).
I have inherited divine qualities, which I will strive to develop.

Plan a family reunion
* Sew and tie quilts
* Sew an article of clothing
* Learn how to cross-stitch and make something for your home
* Take charge of New Beginnings or Young Women in Excellence
* Write and illustrate a children’s book
* Compile recipes for a recipe box
* Make a monthly newsletter for Young Women’s
* Make a scrapbook
* Enter a competition or contest in a skill you have developed
* Sew finger puppets for children in the hospital or homeless shelters
* Organize and present a modesty fashion show
* Organize family photo albums complete with captions
* Re-watch Conference and write in your journal how talks apply to Divine Nature
* Create lesson plans for nursery
* Create a work of art
* Compile a family recipe book
* Hold a "Princess Day Camp" for the activity day girls
* Learn a new craft
* Organize an alternative post-Prom party
* Memorize Your Patriarchal Blessing
* Be the Young Women historian
* Learn how to dance
* Decoupage a collage of pictures from pass-along cards and church magazines onto a wide-bordered frame. Display it with a copy of the Proclamation on the Family inside.
* Organize, practice, and present a special musical number (alone or with others) in sacrament meeting.
* Plan and carry out a carnival for primary children or children at a homeless shelter
* Read a book by a General Authority
* Learn how to can
* Compile quotes from General Authorities about Divine Nature
* Write a book, play, short stories or poetry
* Write letters to missionaries
* Make something for the other Young Women
* Learn how to knit and make something for your home
* Create a day by day calendar with quotes from General Authorities
* Plan and carry out a ward Halloween carnival or trunk-or-treat
* Put together a Family Home Evening idea book
* Organize and carry out a surprise birthday party
* Sew scripture bags
* Make a conference Binder
* Sew a value pillow or quilt
* Learn how to play a musical instrument
* Put together a devotional book
* Make something as gifts for your friends
* Plan a family vacation
* Learn how to crochet and make something for your home
* Make a portfolio of art you have done
* Hold a Conference party
* Make white hair scrunchies for the temple

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